Art Brussels @ Gallery FIFTY ONE
Group exhibition
Following the cancellation of this year’s edition of Art Brussels, we have decided to erect the booth we had planned to present at the fair in our gallery space!
Artists on view: Arpaïs Du Bois, Louis Stettner, Sandro Miller, Yamamoto Masao, Friederike von Rauch, Bruno V. Roels, Harry Gruyaert, Katrien De Blauwer, Saul Leiter, Eric Manigaud, Jacques Sonck and Stephan Vanfleteren.

Installation view

Installation view
Artists on view Art Brussels 2020
Arpaïs Du Bois, Louis Stettner, Sandro Miller, Yamamoto Masao, Friederike von Rauch, Bruno V. Roels, Harry Gruyaert, Katrien De Blauwer, Saul Leiter, Eric Manigaud, Jacques Sonck and Stephan Vanfleteren.

Yamamoto Masao - #1641, Kawa=Flow, n.d.

Eric Manigaud - Ollier, scoliose, 1884

Harry Gruyaert - France, Cayeux-sur-Mer, 1991

Sandro Miller - Andy Warhol/ Self Portrait with Fright Wig (1986), 2014

Stephan Vanfleteren - Brussels, 2004

Katrien De Blauwer - à quoi pensez-vous (10), 08.04.2020

Arpaïs Du Bois - Libération, 2020

Dirk Zoete - Trainer, horse, head on pedestal, 2015

Bruno V. Roels - The Careful Housekeeper, 2019

Jacques Sonck - Untitled, Ghent, 1989

Louis Stettner - Chairs, 9th Avenue, 2004

Friederike von Rauch - SGM 2, 2018

Saul Leiter - Jay in the Bathtub, 1957