Saul Leiter & Vivian Maier
Duo exhibition
Fifty One Fine Art Photography is showing two shows simultaneously: Vivian Maier (groundfloor) and Saul Leiter (basement). The exhibitions are not correlated with each other.
Fifty One Fine Art Photography is proud to present a new solo show of Saul Leiter (USA, b.1923). A selection of his early black & white photographs, including unpublished ones, from the 50s and 70s will be presented. Although Leiter is mostly known for his contributions to the field of color photography, in which he played a pioneering role and developed a distinct visual language, his black & white photographs are as much witness to his incredible photographic genius as his work in color. Notwithstanding the absence of color, which often causes the image to be more confronting, Leiter’s distinct style combining an abstract language with soft graduations is already visible.
Reed the full press release here.
Fifty One Fine Art Photography proudly presents the first exhibition in Belgium of the work of Vivian Maier (USA, 1926-2009). Her undeveloped body of work was recently discovered by chance and until today the whereabouts of Vivian Maier herself remain restricted: she worked most of her adult life as a nanny, had an eccentric character and was a photographer extraordinaire in her spare time. She captured mid-century America in black & white, mostly people on the margins in urban settings like New York and Chicago.
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